
Greek enterprises appraise Enterprise Europe Network for its support


At the Enterprise Europe Network, we continuously work to achieve the best possible outcomes for the enterprises we support. Small and medium-sized companies with strong potential for innovation and international growth are expanding globally with the support of the Network.

Here’s what the enterprises we support have to say:

Ulysses Podcast - Episode 3: Christiana Vardakou

The podcast of Enterprise Europe Network Hellas, Ulysses, has reached its third episode.
This time, we explore the realm of female entrepreneurship, focusing on the sector of textiles and sustainability.

Creative Session by Enterprise Europe Network Hellas

A valuable meeting on digital communication was held in Athens with members of the "Communication Champions" Thematic Group from across Europe. Despite the scorching heat, the Konstantinos Michalos Entrepreneurship Center provided a focused environment for the international Communication team of the Enterprise Europe Network on June 13-14, 2024, at Amerikis Street.

Knowledge Exchange and Meaningful Connection with Innovation Communities


At FORTH, the heart of technological innovation in Crete, and the H2B HUB, the Greek consortium Enterprise Europe Network Hellas discussed the progress of the EEN 2025 project on May 16-17, 2024.

The 5th consortium meeting for the 2022-2025 period was successfully organized by the PRAXI Network and the Heraklion Chamber of Commerce in an environment of knowledge exchange, mutual understanding, and support.

EcoFashionEU: International Meeting with Enterprise Europe Network experts

The international online meeting titled "EcoFashionEU: Sustainability Tools & Outcomes" occurred on May 8, 2024, with wide-ranging participation from stakeholders and Enterprise Europe Network representatives.
Organized by the Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Industries (ACSMI), as the leading body of the EcoFashionEU project, it focused on promoting sustainability in small and medium-sized textile and fashion manufacturers.

ACCI: Exploring Opportunities in Latin American Markets


The Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Greek-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Hellenic-Latin American Business Council, in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network, are organizing an event focusing on business prospects and opportunities in Latin American markets.

Ulysses podcast

Enterprise Europe Network Hellas presents its first podcast series entitled Ulysses.
What is the #UlyssesPodcast? It’s a series of episodes about the journey of resourcefulness and entrepreneurship with the help of Enterprise Europe Network.

The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme celebrates 15 years of fostering entrepreneurship in Europe


The Commission is marking the 15th anniversary of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) programme, a landmark initiative designed to shape the future of entrepreneurship across Europe. This milestone underscores EYE's success in fostering international collaboration, enriching entrepreneurial skills, and driving innovation.

Embracing global markets: webinar series


The webinar series ‘Embracing global markets' supports small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups to innovate and expand in Asia, Africa and the Americas.

The webinars are hosted by experts of various European Commission services and the Enterprise Europe Network as the world's largest business service provider.

The Call for the EENergy energy efficiency grants up to 10,000 euros is open!

The program will support at least 1800 SMEs in developing Action Plans for improving their energy efficiency and will also include an EENergy grant of up to 10,000 euros for at least 900 SMEs. The EENergy grant is a one-time support mechanism that will be granted to the individual SMEs after the preparation and implementation of a concrete action plan targeting at least a 5% improvement in energy efficiency.

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