The webinar series ‘Embracing global markets' supports small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups to innovate and expand in Asia, Africa and the Americas.
The webinars are hosted by experts of various European Commission services and the Enterprise Europe Network as the world's largest business service provider.
Who is this for?
European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups (ready to scale internationally), European clusters and cluster managers, business advisers of the Enterprise Europe Network and other European business support organisations, stakeholders of the ‘Friends of EEN’ initiative.
Interested in joining? Take a look at our webinar calendar for 2024 to register.
22 February, 16:00-17:00h (Brussels time): Doing business in the United States: what you need to know about entering the US Market
29 February, 10:00-11:00h (Brussels time): Testing and certifying for export – benefits of Mutual Recognition Agreements on Conformity Assessment Content
7 March 2024, 10:00-11:00h (Brussels time): Doing business in Vietnam: commercial opportunities for the EU clean tech industry
21 March 2024, 16:00-17:00h (Brussels time): Doing business in the United States: Everything start-ups need to know
18 April 2024, 16:00-17:00h (Brussels time): Doing business in the United States: tax considerations for international companies
23 May 2024, 16:00-17:00h (Brussels time): Doing business in the United States: what you need to know about the US sustainable energy market
20 June 2024, 16:00-17:00h (Brussels time): Doing business in the United States: what you need to know about the US life sciences ecosystem
18 July 2024, 16:00-17:00h (Brussels time): Doing business in the United States: employment & human resources
19 September 2024, 16:00-17:00h (Brussels time): Doing business in the United States: import customs issues
17 October 2024, 16:00-17:00h (Brussels time): Doing business in the United States: US immigration rules